Friday, August 8, 2008

Ryah is 4 months old!!

So I took Ryah to the doctor the other day for her 4 month check up! She was 25.5 inches long and weighed 14 pounds. She is in the 65th percentile for her weight and the 95th for her height! She is going to be taller than me in no time at all! She has been rolling over for about a month now and I can't seem to keep her on her back!


Requel said...

Caysie, so good to hear from you! It's so fun catching up with old friends through the blog. I love it! Your baby is cute!! Keep in touch!

Requel said...

Ok I was just looking at your pics below. Your house is amazing. Where do you live and what does your huby do? I want in!!