Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Potty Training...

SO we have been talking about potty training for a LONG time now and Ryah was just not interested! Everyone told me not to push it and she would use the potty when she was good and ready! So yesterday I decided to get some potty books since she loves to read books! Well we went from freaking out when you mentioned the potty to wanting to use the potty in a matter of hours! Ryah went #1 in the potty last night and #2 today! YAY!!! I have spent most of the day in the bathroom, but it will be worth it in the end! Wish us luck!!


Eric and Kortnee Johnson said...

YAY gooooo RYAH! Good luck!

Requel said...

Good luck! That's what I've been doing the last 3 days!!

The Farrells said...

Good luck, Ethan took FOREVER but it finally happened! You've got such a cute family, congrats!!!